Thursday, 24 February 2011

Filming: Bands: Guitar Hero (TM)

In order to stay true the fan idea as well as OK Go styled videos, we decided to have a guitar hero band. This was filmed in the same location as the Female Narrative shots, but featured only two band members. However, on the day, we thought of the idea of a ‘Stig’ band member. As with OK Go’s video in which they feature a load of dogs and one goat in the background, we thought that we could cover the face of player and feature them discreetly in the video. This was played by Jack and was highly successful as when I was playing the drums Jack was filming and when Jack was playing the drums and playing the guitar I was filming. Both of us have distinct filming ways and thus each shot was different and we filmed a wide range of shots and angles in this shoot.

With there only being two band members, we could experiment with shots and framing as we did not have to focus on getting a whole band in. This allowed us to be more creative and stray from conventions of shots and thus conforming to Knight’s theory that it is interesting to defy conventions. Although this is about genre, it could be allied to the shots and frames as genres normally have their own style of shooting material (as we discovered in our initial research).

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