Title of Project: FEEDER – ‘Just a Day’
Names of Students Involved and Roles Allocated:
Jack Blinman – Director, Cameraman, NARRATIVE MALE.
Jemma Rowlston – Director, Cameraman, SINGER.
Sonia Wan – Director, Props & Costume, Cameraman, NARRATIVE FEMALE.
(Editorial tasks are also shared out)
Estimated Time Allocated to Production: 3 weeks
Dates of Production:
Friday 1st October – Opening shots
Monday 4th Oct– Narrative Shots
Thurs 7th Oct – Green Screen
Friday 8th Oct – Quarry scene with performers
Thurs 28th Oct (half term) – Pick up shots
Estimated Time Allocated to Post Production: 3 weeks
Dates of Post Production: Monday 11th October onwards
Brief Synopsis of Project:
A music video for the song ‘Just a Day’ by the British band Feeder.
The video will be a combination of performance and narrative footage that will reflect the lyrics of the song.
Performance: The video will pay tribute to the original official video for the song by having multiple bands performing the song. However, unlike the original, these bands will be filmed as if they are the primary band (using proper framing, steady-cam shots, individual performances and a range of interesting locations). This will be integrated with the Narrative.
Narrative: Following the storyline within the lyrics of the song, our video will feature a platonic teenage friendship between MALE and FEMALE where MALE has fallen into a dink and drug addiction that is tearing the friends apart. The narrative will thus link to the lyrics as if the words are the internal thoughts and feelings of MALE.
Equipment Required and Dates required.
01/10/10, 04/10/10, 07/10/10, 08/10/10, 28/10/10
Microphone (for camera)
Green Screen
Editing MAC
Jacks’ Living room
Jemma’s living room
Jemma’s hall
Outside Jemma’s front door
Street outside Jack’s house
Blackrock quarry
Battery point (behind the open air swimming pool)
Small Hall
Costume and Props:
Costume will be provided by the bands themselves in order for them to promote themselves and their band image. The general consensus will be jeans, t-shirts, possibly leather coats as these fit the genre of Feeder’s work and would thus contribute to the feel that each band is the primary band.
Guitars (provided by the bands)
Drum kit
Guitar Hero™ 4 World Tour kit and game (and consequently an xbox™)
Assorted bottles and junk food rappers
Assorted ornaments
Casting (including extras)
TERMINAL MORAINE – Ben Price, Alex Bennett, Dylan Manners Lolley
FAKE QUARRY BAND – Jemma Rowlston, Luke Goodliffe, Simon French
GUITAR HERO™ BAND – Sarah Owen, Jemma Rowlston
FEEDER “STIG” – Jack Blinman
CLIMBER – Jack Blinman
MALE – Jack Blinman
FEMALE – Sonia Wan
Further comments:
Storyboarding shall be rough around the bands as the exact moments and people used shall depend on performance, however the storyboard shall be a main point of reference.
Extra Credit also goes to Adam Blinman for overseeing and partaking in the climbing scenes off camera.
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