Thursday, 24 February 2011

Drum Kit Emails

-----Original Message-----
From: jer1503
Sent: 05 October 2010 13:49
To: Rebecca Hancock
Subject: RE: Drum Kit

Dear Miss H,

Thank you for your quick reply.

We underestimated the vitality of the drum kit to your department and
are completely understanding of your hesitance to lend it to us for use

We shall contemplate the chances of using the old kit on site, but for
now we would just like to thank you for taking your time to reply and
consider us.:)

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: Rebecca Hancock
Sent: 05 October 2010 09:39
To: jer1503
Subject: RE: Drum Kit

Dear Jemma
The drum kit is not for use outside, I'm afraid. We rely on the kit for
GCSE, A level, and Music tech recordings, for concerts, Jazz band,
luncheon club and for Drum lessons, and I am not prepared to risk it
being used outside. I could consider you using the old kit in a
location away from the music department (still on the school site), but
it would need to be indoors.
Sorry to be disobliging, but the drum kit is a vital part of our music
department equipment.
Miss H

-----Original Message-----
From: jer1503
Sent: 04 October 2010 10:30
To: Rebecca Hancock
Subject: Drum Kit

Mrs Hancock,

This is the media studies group who have recently been talking to you
about borrowing a drum kit to use in the filming of our music video

After some deliberation, we have decided to ask you if we could borrow
the drum kit to use by the graffiti outside the back of Sixth Form.

If this is possible, could you please specify some times this week in
which you would be willing to let us borrow it for an hour.

Thank you so much for all your help.

Jemma Rowlston

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